So what a week of waiting! I've interviewed with the U for an administrative job 3 times and I'm just waiting to hear back from them. It's nerve wracking! I'm continuing to persevere on the job hunt. I am getting very tired of having people ask how the job hunt is going. I should start telling them "Well yesterday I caught a pheasant and I'm lookin' to get a boar today". I know people are asking out of concern but I swear when I get a job I will post it on my Facebook, my blog, and I will get up and bare my testimony about it and I think that will cover all the bases.
Anywhooo. On another note, Bunsen got another summer haircut and he looks so stinkin' cute. I think it helps him from gettin
g so hot. It's fun to see how much my dad has taken to him. He talks to him all the time and he even lets him sit next to him on the couch. But my favorite is when my dad throws h im cold cuts and gets so amused when Bunsen catches them in mid air. He's getting pretty good at it. A neighbor came by earlier this week and tried to teach him how to shake hands (Bunsen not my dad). It was cute. He's kind of got the idea but I think mostly he just want's to lick the person's hand. I think I got the best thing out of my short lived marriage (if you can call it that) when I got my sweet dog. He's good at keeping my feet warm. I used to not like dogs but when I got him I fell in love. He is the best and has such a sweet disposition! And no He's not spoiled!
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